Business Articles

Planning for Disaster.” No one wants to think the worst can happen, but when disaster calls, a good Business Owner’s Policy can make the difference between a quick recovery and closing the doors. MJSA Journal, June 2024
25 Tips for Contracting Success.” At some point, most businesses hire a subcontractor. Before you do, it’s best to be prepared. MSJA Buyer’s Guide, 2016
By the Book.” No matter how small your business, if you have employees, you need an employee manual. JCK, February 2007
Fending Off the Chains.” Running a small business in a field of giant retailers can feel like the face-off between David and Goliath. But there are ways to load your slingshot–and thrive. JCK, May 2000
Zooming Forward.” Every retailer eventually faces a new generation of consumers. But Gen Z, “Zoomers,” may be one of the greatest challenges yet. MJSA Journal, April 2024