Historical Articles

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Fortune and Folly, Parts 1 & 2.” In the mid-1800s, after years of struggle, Horace Tabor rose to Denver, Colorado, prominence as the king of silver, making millions every year. He thought it would never end. But a scandalous divorce, marriage to a younger woman, and the repeal of the Silver Act showed him just how fickle Dame Fortune could be. Lapidary Journal, January 1993
One for the Money.” Cold, lecherous, corrupt. Mining giant and robber baron William Andrews Clark gave Montana a black eye that took years to fade. Lapidary Journal, August 1996
Dazed and Duped by Diamonds.” Even the eyes of the shrewdest of businessmen can become glazed with greed when confronted with the possibility of unlimited wealth. Lapidary Journal, July 1996